• Available upon request
    Hexatronic Certified Micro-duct Installer - 1 day. $795 + GST per person. E-mail us HERE to register your interest for this course
    COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to work with Microduct technology. It includes a 1-day practical course covering theory and hands-on exercises and completion of the practical assessment. It covers safety, handling, installation, jointing, maintenance, deployment and testing of Microducts. Hexatronic NZ has partnered with CommsLearning to provide you with a solid foundation & practical experience in order for you to gain this certification. Download course outline HERE
  • FOA Certified Fibre Optics Specialist - 2 days course Dates on request: Register Here COURSE DESCRIPTION: Fibre to the home, kerb, node… This Certified Fibre Optic Specialist in FTT-x (CFOS-H) training program from the Fibre Optic Association (FOA) is designed to introduce the student to the varieties of ways that fibre optics is moving closer or all the way to the subscriber. You will learn about all the options for FTT-x, what network architectures look like, what standards exist, and get an overview of how they are installed and tested. Price will be $1,250 + GST per person Download course outline HERE
  • WDM & Optical Transport Networks (OTN) - 2 days. Email us HERE to register your interest for this course. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course firstly introduces the main principles of both Dense WDM and Coarse WDM, explaining the network evolution, spectrum allocation and channel spacing, equipment types, amplifiers, issues (such as dispersion and 4 wave mixing) and solutions and finishes by looking at network management & TMN. We then look at OTN standards, network layers, frame structure, FEC, alarms, error handling, TCM maintenance signals and network management functions. Download course outline Here
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